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Reasons to love Hemp Protein!

I’m a massive advocate for Hemp Protein Powder an amazing and healthy alternative to Whey Protein.

Ever since I was younger I have always had a fascination with Hemp and all its amazing uses! Don’t worry Hemp is not Marijuana as it hasn’t got any THC in it!

Some of the amazing things you can do with Hemp are:
Create clothes, rope, oil, food, build houses and even use it to power your car!
My brother Alex even dressed in a Hemp G-string at Marathons around the world (including the London Marathon) to promote it as a sustainable resource!

But foremost I love it for my health!

I love Hempseed oil capsules for my hair skin and nails, which I take every morning and recommend my pregnant best friend and clients to for its high dosage of Omegas 3 and 6’s.

Omegas 3 and 6’s are essential fatty acids needed for brain power and development, as our cells are made up of water, proteins and fats meaning essential fats are an important part of anyone’s diet.

This is why I love Hemp Protein, it’s a complete protein containing all the essential amino acids and essential fats all in one go! As well as being Vegan and good for the planet. Hemp is one of the fastest growing plants in the world and adsorbs a huge amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as it grows and doesn’t need any pesticides or fertilisers. Therefore is naturally organic and great for the environment.

Its easily digestible, compared to Whey Protein, which is a by-product of dairy and has been known to cause respiratory and allergic reactions if taken in excessive amounts. I often mix Hemp Protein into my porridge in the morning or my chosen fruit Smoothie that day. Kale Smoothie blog coming soon!

As a trainer it’s important I have enough protein in my diet after weight and cardio training to help my muscles repair fast creating lean muscle. So Hemp Protein has the ideal amount of protein for me.

If you were looking to gain in muscular size I would mix Hemp with Soya or Pea Protein, to get the higher Protein benefit, these are easy to digest proteins and vegan.

My favourite British Protein Company is Pulsin, made in the West Country!
They are all 100% natural Protein Powders with no added Sweeteners
(Such as Sucralose or Aspartame, which are known to cause Cancer)

Soya protein final

Enjoy and tweet me any interesting facts or photos you have about Hemp @KgracePT
and follow me on Instagram @katherine_grace___  🙂

Watch out for my future blog post on Kale Smoothies!

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